About Me

Image of Daramfon Morgan, artist and owner of DCMArt Creations

Step into the vibrant world of DCM ART CREATIONS by Daramfon Morgan, the Nigerian visual artist with a passion for exploring the human experience through various forms of expression. Focusing mainly on painting, Morgan is a multifaceted artist who has dipped his toes into the design world and creative direction while showcasing his talent in several art exhibitions across the globe.

Daramfon’s work is a testament to his African ancestry and identity, showcasing the subtle nuances of cultures, human behavior, and identity. His pieces are produced in various forms, from breathtaking murals to intricate digital art and stunning paintings. Through his art, Morgan invites his audience to delve into a world of surrealism and contemporary abstract concepts, where the human experience is viewed through a unique lens.

Nature, cultural elements, and powerful themes form the visual language of Morgan’s art. His work explores the intricacies of human behavior, delving deep into the heart of what it means to be human. Each of his pieces is a masterpiece, carrying a powerful message of subtle human experiences, wrapped up in a dream-like form.

Morgan’s art is more than just aesthetically pleasing; it is a visual representation of the human experience. Step into his world, and you will leave with a newfound appreciation for the beauty and complexity of the human condition.